What We Offer

Explore I

Explore I is the main entry point for spiritual journeyers visiting Way Station for the first time. This offering is comprised of ten 1-hour sessions spread out over six months. In Explore I, you’ll get introduced to the rhythm of meeting regularly with a spiritual director, take a close look at how you conceive of and relate to the Divine, and examine the sources of your personal and spiritual identity.

Explore II

Building on the foundation of its predecessor, Explore II continues the emphasis on spiritual direction as a core practice for nurturing your contemplative spirituality. This offering also consists of ten 1-hour sessions spread over six months. The primary theme of Explore II is understanding, unpacking, and befriending what Carl Jung called our “shadow selves.”


For spiritual journeyers who have completed both Explore I & Explore II, Deepen is the perfect next step. These fifteen 1-hour sessions take place over the course of a full year and will provide you with further experience in spiritual direction as well as individualized coaching on spiritual practices that will strengthen you for your second-half-of-life.


Discern is a stand-alone offering that can be engaged any time you face an important life choice that warrants careful attention. Six 1-hour sessions are spread over six weeks and are combined with numerous guided, reflective practices in between. These practices will not only help you discern your path forward, but also connect with the Divine.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

— Socrates